- Good News from Camp Huron – We’re back!
Hello everyone! A quick word of encouragement as our team of leaders prepare for our arrival at the end of June: We are quite literally counting the sleeps until it is time to make our way back to our beloved camp home!If you know of children whose families are planning on coming but have yet to sign up, we would appreciate your reminding them to do so. The more we know how many campers we are expecting, the better we can steward our resources – particularly your generous donations and our very gifted young staff who are ready to serve!
Please do not let the cost of a week of camp be a barrier towards registration. We have bursary funds and can set up payment plans so no one has to lay out the full amount all at once. Every single child and teen is an asset to our camp ministry both now and in the future.
Please help us fill this wondrous, holy place this summer – announce, invite, phone, email, text and dm the good news of Camp Huron today!
Go to www.camphuron.ca for great pictures, details and to sign up today!
- On April 19 the Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) kicked-off its 2nd annual Say Yes! to Kids Campaign with a live online launch. The campaign will run until June 30, 2022 and will help churches across Canada raise money to support ministry and outreach that meets the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of children, youth, and young adults.
For every $10 donated to the Huron teams, $4 will be shared between youth-focused ministry at the diocesan and national levels.
For regular updates and to support one of the Huron teams, GO HERE.
- DEACON’S PROJECT 2022. Will you help us “Love our Students” in the Diocese of Huron who are in need?
More information and payment instructions check HERE
- Huron Heights Community Association and London Indigenous Teaching & Sharing Circles (LITS Circles) are proud to present an educational opportunity for professionals and individuals vested in learning more about Canada's relationship and history with Indigenous Peoples (First Nation, Métis and Innuit).
Wed, June 29, 6:30-8:30pm ET: The Impact of Residential Schools on Second Generation Survivors facilitated by Tracey Whiteye (Register at: https://litscircles-the-impact-of-residential-schools.eventbrite.com)
Cost: $20.00, payable via Eventbrite (credit card) or e-transfer to litscircles@gmail.com Please see attached information poster for more details.
- Essex Deanery - Lay Leadership course:
Nov 19 - Biblical Studies: Who wrote the Bible?
(On zoom until further notice.) For more information and to register, please contact Rev'd Elise Chambers elisechambers@diohuron.org
- There will be an Anglican Fellowship of Prayer Parish Rep VIRTUAL Gathering on Tuesday, June 28, 2022 at 7:00pm.
Come and join with others as we support the development and practice of prayer in parishes across Huron.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 897 0636 8211
Passcode: 851245
One tap mobile: +15873281099,,89706368211#,,,,*851245# Canada; +16473744685,,89706368211#,,,,*851245# Canada
Dial by your location: +1 647 374 4685 Canada; +1 647 558 0588 Canada
Meeting ID: 897 0636 8211
Passcode: 851245
Find your local number
- Diocese of Huron invites you to JOIN TOGETHER FOR PRIDE.
26th Annual Pride Parade. July 24, 2022 at 12:00 noon, London, Ontario. Join community members, organizations and others as we celebrate diversity and embrace the best of all of us. Register at your church. If you have questions please contact proudanglicanshuron@gmail.com.
Free picnic at St. Paul's Cathedral following the parade. If you are interested in volunteering with the picnic contact Helen at hbooth@huron.anglican.ca.
Hosted by: St. Mark's and St. Paul's. Supported by: Deanery of London and Proud Anglicans of Huron.
See the Poster
Google Form

- HOLY TRINITY ST. STEPHEN'S MEMORIAL ANNUAL YARD SALE, 727 Southdale Rd. London, JUNE 25, 2022 8am to 1pm
Come early for best selection of Housewares (dishes, glasses, cookware), Clothes & Shoes (ladies, men, children), Linens, Bedding, Bath & Beauty, Office & Stationery, Crafts, Christmas, Small Appliances, Electronics, Toys, Games, Tools, Bikes, Golf Clubs and so much more. Our Book Nook will be 1/2 price on books along with much more, including our delicious Meat Pies. Hot Dogs & Burgers BBQ to fill your hunger while you shop Inside & Outside. Our buyers have advised the cleanest, most organized, best priced sale.
Eat-In Roast Beef Dinner@ St. Thomas Anglican Church, on June 24th with sittings from 5 to 6pm and 6 to 7pm by Table Service (non-buffet).$15.00 per meal, limited seats available at each sitting. First Come, First Served. Take-Out also available.
For more information contact: 519-631-7368.
Euchre Group. Every Tuesday from 2 to 4pm by free will donation.Come out to enjoy the fun and meet new people. Appropriate face coverings are required.For more information, contact 519-631-7368.
Young adults (ages 20-26) from across the Anglican Church of Canada are invited to apply to participate in a 10-day multi-narrative pilgrimage to the land of our sacred history.
Applicants need to be 20-26 years old and will require a letter of endorsement from their bishop (to be uploaded with their application). 15-20 applicants will be selected for the pilgrimage. While the cost of the trip will be $5,095, much of that cost will be subsidized by donations and by General Synod, with a minimum of $1,500 as the financial commitment required of each participant, plus travel and medical insurance. Support with fundraising will also be made available through General Synod.
- St. John's & St.Luke's Thamesford is searching for an organist for their Sunday service
The organist will choose and play the hymns as well as a prelude and postlude each Sunday. There are no choir duties. Currently the service starts at 10:00 a.m. and concludes at 11. Service times may change in the future. Remuneration is negotiable and will also include a travel allowance.
The Thamesford church is a 15 minute drive from the London airport. Duties to commence on Sunday September 4 of this year. Those interested in this position should contact Mrs. Brenda Johnston at 519-285-2013 or by email at cbjohnston@rogers.ca
- St. John the Evangelist Church in Leamington is seeking an Organist/Musical Director
Sunday Services Chorale Eucharist at 10:30 am with extra services at Easter and Christmas. Weddings and Funerals happen occasionally. Remuneration to be discussed.
Approx. 10 voice choir. Church has a 12 Stop Casavant Pipe Organ.
Send resume to St Johns the Evangelist
60 Erie St N
Leamington, ON N8H 2Z5
c/o David Seaton
or email stjohnsleamington@diohuron.org
- St. John’s, Port Rowan is looking for an Organist (Part Time Employment Opportunity). Organist for Local Anglican Services - Our group enjoys singing a variety of styles of music. Organ is manual digital with full pedal. Send resume to enriquemartinez@diohuron.org
Any questions: 519-586-3401