Giving to our Churches
Why give?
Giving is a part of our call to be stewards of God's creation.

"Stewardship is an acknowledgement that everything we have, our life, our talents, our accomplishments, our families and our material possessions are gifts from God.  And that we cherish and tend to them in a responsible and accountable manner, sharing them with others and returning them with increase to God. We are caretakers of our gifts of time, talent and treasure. 

We give through the church so we can passionately support worship, outreach, pastoral care, evangelism, education and fellowship."  (From an article "Generosity 101" by Peter Misiaszek, CFRE is the Director of Stewardship Development for the Anglican Diocese of Toronto.)

Give to Trinity Anglican Church, Blyth

Give to St. Paul's Trinity Church, Wingham