Upcoming events - Diocese of Huron, January 26, 2023
Good News from Camp Huron! Announcing our 2023 Overnight Camp Season Earthrise is a very famous photo of a teeny tiny planet Earth, floating in vast, dark outer space, taken by astronauts as Apollo 8, orbited the Moon. Watch a short video here. Imagine what it was like to see Earth our island home from so very, very far away. What a marvellous sight! Can seeing our blue planet this way inspire us and call to us to love and care for God’s wondrous creation? Let’s find out as we see Earth from afar and serve Earth up close. Register online starting February 23, 2023, at 6 pm. www.camphuron.ca In the meantime, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact gerryadam@diohuron.org 519-434-6893 ext 217
ASK THE BISHOP. FEBRUARY 15 at 6:00pm, IN PERSON + VIRTUAL Do you have questions about faith? The church? What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus in today’s world? You are invited to join Bishop Todd for an evening of conversation guided by what's on your mind. Participate in the discussion either in-person at Huron Church House or virtually on Zoom. YOUTH VOICES ARE PARTICULARLY WELCOMED IN THIS INTER-GENERATIONAL DISCUSSION! RSVP by February 14 for in-person attendance or for the Zoom link to the Rev. Sarah Armstrong, sarmstrong@huron.anglican.ca. SEE THE POSTER
A reminder from the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer (Huron). Appointments at Vestry R E M I N D E R As we all are busy in our Vestry preparations, I am sending this brief note to ask that all parishes include in their vestry proceedings, the appointment of a Parish Representative to the AFP. For some, this appointment is already a regular part of the vestry agenda and for others it has been some time since such an appointment to the AFP was made. It is through representatives that AFP is able to support the development of prayer groups, retreats, quiet days and prayer conferences in your parish and in our diocese. With support and training offered to AFP representatives in the form of literature on prayer, newsletters, and regularly connecting with others also involved in prayer in other parishes, prayer is encouraged in the life of the church, helping us all to develop in our life of prayer and in our relationship to God and to one another. The name and contact information for any appointed as AFP representatives may be entered on the year end documentation sent into the Church House, or it may be sent to Libi Clifford, AFP Executive member directly at: libicliff@gmail.com
Anglican Fellowship of Prayer presents The Bishop's Prayer Conference on Sat. May 6, 2023 at 10:00 am - 3 pm at Church of St. Jude's, London. Cost $20.00 The Intersection of Prayer and Music: Encountering these practices as Individuals and as Faith Communities with the Rev'd Andreas Thiel, Rector of St. Matthew's, Windsor and former professional musician. To register please contact: the Rev'd Ann Webber at annwebber@diohuron.org or by calling or texting info to 226-373-1391 FOR MORE INFO CHECK THE POSTER
The Essex Deanery Lay Leadership Training Classes: Lay leadership courses for 2023 ◦ February 18 – The Love of Hebrew with Rev. Gayle Rawlings ◦ March 18 – What Do Anglicans Believe with panel TBD – looking for volunteers ◦ May 13 – Administration with Rev. Lisa Poultney (note change 2nd Saturday) ◦ June 17 – History with Rev. Gordon Maitland . October 21 and November 18 - How to write a sermon (4 pages of the Sermon plus other resources) These classes will be held in person at Canterbury College. We have partnered with Canterbury College for the Lay Readers courses and they are providing us with the technology support to also bring the classes by zoom. Please join us for one or for all of the classes. Please contact Rev. Elise Chambers if you would like to attend. elisechambers@diohuron.org. If you have a class you would like to teach please contact Rev. Kimberly Myer - kimmyer@diohuron.org with your idea.
Courses at the Renison Institute of Ministry: Life Words/Life Works: An Introduction to the New Testament (Course) Voices for Justice: Prophet and Reformer (Course) To register for courses CHECK HERE
Baptism - Confirmation - Reception - Reaffirmation You are invited to prayerfully consider joining with other people of faith, of all ages, from the London Deanery, as we journey toward the Great Vigil of Easter (Saturday, April 8, 2023 @ St. George’s Anglican Church), when the rites of Christian initiation, baptism, confirmation, first communion, along with reception and reaffirmation will be celebrated by Bishop Todd. We will meet at St. Paul’s Cathedral approximately seven times (in person), from January to April, on Sundays from 6-7:30pm. These sessions will be rooted in our Baptismal Covenant and Anglican Catechism, and promise to be interactive, informative, and fun! Orientation-information session: Sunday, January 22, 2023, from 6-7:30 pm, also at the Cathedral. A light dinner of pizza and salad will be provided @ 6pm at these two information sessions, followed by an overview of the programme. Please email: mdekay@stpaulscathedral.on.ca or call (519-434-3225 ext. 211) and let us know if you plan to attend. All are welcome!
Upcoming Courses in Huron LTh: Voices from the Wilderness: A Historical and Theological Dialogue about Black Faith and Culture in North America with Rev. Steve Greene, Irene Moore Davis and Guests Presenters Dates: Tuesdays beginning February 7 through to March 14, 2023 Time: 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time (7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. CT) hosted via Zoom. Cost: $325 for credit and $150 for auditing students. POSTER In the Beginning: Classic Christian and Jewish Pathways to Understanding the Book of Genesis with Dr. Murray Watson Dates: Thursdays beginning February 2 through to March 23, 2023 Time: Time: 7:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time (6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. CT) hosted via Zoom. Cost: $325 for credit and $150 for auditing students. POSTER We are also hosting the Parish Admin and Leadership Certificate courses for training Wardens and Parish Administrators. $125 per course or $300 to sign up for all three courses. POSTER FOR ALL THREE COURSES Parish Administration 101 with Archdeacon Tanya Phibbs Date: Saturday, March 18, 2023 Time: 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time (9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. CT) hosted via Zoom Congregational Growth and Evangelism with Dr. Grayhame Bowcott Date: Saturday, April 15, 2023 Time: 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time (9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. CT) hosted via Zoom Spiritual Leadership with Dr. Dawn Davis Date: Saturday, May 20, 2023 Time: 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time (9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. CT) hosted via Zoom Students can register through our website at: https://huronatwestern.ca/programs/theology/life-long-learning/or by emailing Dr. Bowcott at: grayhame.bowcott@huron.uwo.ca
CURSILLO - Niagara Huron Anglican Cursillo Secretariat invites you to support the Episcopal Cursillo Ministry's 2nd National Virtual Event on January 28 at 1:00PM. To register please GO HERE. THE NEXT CURSILLO ULTREYA hosted by Niagara-Huron Anglican Cursillo via Zoom: February 17. For more information GO HERE. Everyone is welcome!
The next meeting of Grants & Loans Subcommittee will be Thursday, May 11. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: TUESDAY, MAY 2
ANGLICAN CHURCH WOMEN - DIOCESE OF HURON: ANNUAL MEETING & CONFERENCE. "Walk Humbly with God". St. Paul's Cathedral, London, ON, Saturday, April 29. Registration @9:00am. For more details SEE THE POSTER.
HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE with Bishop Terry Dance and Canon Vicars Hodge, from May 1-14, 2023. You are invited to join the group for the spiritual adventure of a life time! More info: www.trinitytour.org. SEE THE POSTER
Church of St. John theEvangelist, 280 St James St, London. Security and Safety Information Evening January 23, 2023, 7pm. The church of St. John the Evangelist is hosting a Security and Safety Information Evening. Cathy Fountain and Paulo Domingues, from London Police Service, will address and explore your questions and concerns regarding personal safety and building security. Help us prepare. Please RSVP to office@stjohnslondon.ca to let us know you’re coming and what your questions might be. Need anything more? Please reach out to Randy at: randyhatherall@gmail.com519-472-6251
St. George's London will be having a service of Choral Evensong January 29th 2023 at 4pm. All are welcome!
Almighty Roast Beef Dinner Fundraiser at St. Thomas Anglican Church, 20 Flora St., St. Thomas on the 4th Friday of each month from 5 to 7pm @ $20.00 per person. Ticket sales begin @ 2:30pm on the day of the supper. Eat-In or Take-Out Available. Come out & enjoy a heavenly meal! (Jan. 27th, Feb. 24th, March 24th, April 28th, May 26th, June 23rd.)
SOLD OUT!!! Mark Payne, Jesse Grandmont, Dan Baerg, and Erik Larson present Don't Try This At Home, a concert with their fresh, signature twist on favourites, standards and traditional tunes. This show will have your feet tapping and your heart full! Saturday, Feb. 4, at 7 p.m. at Church of the Ascension, 2060 Dundas St., London.SOLD OUT!!! Proceeds support the church and its outreach programs. SEE THE POSTER
JAZZ VESPERS is returning to St. James Anglican Church in Stratford on Sunday February 19 at 4 p.m. with the Michael Wood Trio (Michael Wood, vibraphone; Chris Notley, guitar; Duncan Hopkins, bass). All are welcome to this informal reflective evening worship service featuring top-flight jazz musicians.
St. Stephen’s Anglican Church in Thamesville, Ontario have the following excess items available for any parish that may be interested in obtaining:
11 red choir gowns
8 white choir gowns
Large box of red hymn books
1 large wooden office desk
1 – 2 drawer filing cabinet Please e-mail nicholsphoto@sympatico.ca to find out any further information.
Church of the Advent Ridgetown, part of the Rondeau Bay Transfiguration Partnership, is looking for an organist for its church services. Equipment available is a pipe organ as well as an electric piano. Open to part time involvement or Sunday morning services music. Send resume or relevant information to Rev Justin Comber at justincomber@diohuron.org 519-809-9452.
St. Alban's, Delhi is seeking an organist for Sunday services at 11am, extra services at Easter and Christmas and occasional weddings and funerals. The church has a Hammond B3 organ, Please send resume to: Bert Hooftman St. Alban's Church 19 Talbot Rd Delhi ON N4B 1Z7 or email: hoof@execulink.com
St. John’s, Port Rowan is looking for an Organist (Part Time Employment Opportunity). Organist for Local Anglican Services - Our group enjoys singing a variety of styles of music. Organ is manual digital with full pedal. Send resume to enriquemartinez@diohuron.org Any questions: 519-586-3401