Bishop Townshend appoints the following as Canons of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, effective February 19, 2023:
Bishop Townshend appoints the following as Canon Catechists, effective February 19, 2023:
What is a Canon Catechist in the Diocese of Huron? A catechist is someone who lets the Word of God echo through their life. They often demonstrate a life-long pursuit of the meaning and value of Christian faith in order to help others recognize the gospel in their own lives. The Canon Catechists will have a particular role in striving to share the joy of learning and faith-formation with all. They will also hold special responsibility for:
(a) recognizing these gifts in lay members of the church and
(b) fostering this leadership and the catechetical life of the whole people of God.
The new canons will be formally recognized at the Synod Service on May 28, 2023 at 4:30 pm to which all are welcome.
Bishop Townshend announces that the following will be called to the Priesthood at a service of Ordination to be held on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, The Commemoration of Thomas Cranmer at 7pm at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London.
The preacher will be the Reverend Dr. Grayhame Bowcott.
Clergy, and postulants of the Diocese of Huron, are invited to vest, the colour being red.