Bishop Townshend is pleased to announce that Mark Charlton has agreed to serve as the Interim Director of Finance (part-time) for the Diocese.
Mark is a parishioner at St. Mark-by-the-Lake, Tecumseh (Windsor) and has served in the Diocese in a number of capacities over the years including as a past Chair of our Diocesan Administration and Finance Committee and a current member of Diocesan Council. Mark has extensive financial experience including as the Executive Director of Finance for the University of Windsor.
Mark can be reached at or by phone at 519-434-6893 ext 240 or 1-800-919-1115 ext 240. Mark’s focus will be on the financial affairs of the diocese.
Blessings of Oils on Thursday, April 14
Kitchener: St. George's of Forest Hill at 11:30am. Presider: The Right Reverend Terry Dance
London: St. Paul's Cathedral at noon. Presider: The Right Reverend Todd Townshend
Windsor: St. Matthew's at noon. Presider: The Right Reverend Bob Bennett
Please fill out this quick survey so that the locations can know how many to expect.

Please bring clean vessels, clearly marked with the name of your church and Oil of Chrism or Oil of the Sick. These will be filled with the blessed oils following the service.
Bishop Townshend appoints the Reverend Lisa Poultney as the rector of Christ Church, Amherstburg effective May 1, 2022.
Lisa is currently the rector of St. Andrew's Memorial Church in London.
Bishop Townshend appoints the Reverend Brendon Bedford as Assistant Curate, Christ Church, Meaford effective May 1, 2022.
The Reverend Chris Brouillard-Coyle has concluded her ministry at Trinity, Cottam.
Chris remains the rector of St. Paul’s, Essex.